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- International Review of Thrombosis2012年3月号(Vol.7 No.1)
米国における新薬承認の方向性/出席者:後藤信哉(司会) /Marc Steven Sabatine /John H.P. Alexander
【BILINGUAL】Current and new direction for drug registration in the US/Participants:Shinya Goto(chair) /Marc Steven Sabatine /John H.P. Alexander
基礎―Basic Science
・【BILINGUAL】The role of hemodynamics in intracranial aneurysm initiation/Hui Meng/Jianping Xiang/Nicholas Liaw
臨床―Clinical Science
・【BILINGUAL】Neurovascular diseases and current options of their endovascular therapies-A Review/Isabel Wanke/Pedro Lylyk/Daniel A.Rufenacht
AHA Scientific Sessions 2011/湯浅慎介
POCT(Point-of-care testing)/猪狩敦子/村田 満
・2011 ACCF/AHA Focused Update of the Guideline for the Management of Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease(Updating the 2005 Guideline)/杉本昌之/古森公浩